Author Interview: Rachel Homard
How did you become a writer?
I was telling stories from a very young age. Even before I could write for myself, my mom would write my stories down for me. As I got older, I wrote a lot of stories, but had a hard time getting around to finishing them. We moved while I was pregnant with my son, so with a temporary break from a full-time teaching job, I decided to finally get a full book down on paper. It was so exciting!
What inspires you to write?
Lots of things. My dreams are always insane, so they’re great for book ideas. But with my first book, for instance, it was based off a random thought of mine and then broadened. I wondered what would have happened as a teen if one of my dad’s enemies from his Special Forces days kidnapped me for revenge. However unlikely, it led to a really exciting story. For the book I’ve just finished, I wanted to shine a light on soldiers and their sacrifices, as well as PTSD. They give up so much for us and aren’t always recognized for their bravery.
Could you share some of your challenges as a writer?
One would be finding the time to write. That’s always hard. Moving through my books so slow because I’m worried about making everything perfect even though no one can write a perfect book.
What are your current/future projects?
I’m working on a follow up to my book . I’m also trying my hand at fantasy. I’ve also got little things started to go back to if I ever get a chance!
Do you have a routine you follow when writing?
It’d be nice to say I did, but I’m a pantser. I think of one problem and just start writing to see what plot might blow my way. Generally, I have an idea of one character when I start. Then, writing is a little sporadic. My toddler doesn’t nap and has an awesome imagination that keeps me on my toes, my dog likes to be walked, and my husband loves to spend time together when he gets home from work. All wonderful things, but my writing usually comes for an hour after everyone else goes to bed.
If you could go back in time and give yourself advice, what would it be?
Don’t wait to put my ideas on paper.
Do you have any advice for aspiring writers?
It might be a common answer, but find other writers and don’t give up. Starting a book is hard. Finishing one is even harder. Then there’s revising. Having a critique group you can count on is so helpful in perfecting your manuscript and making you feel less alone in this journey. I started one of my groups by getting on Meetup. I had no idea how many writers were in my own backyard!
What is your preferred method for readers to get in touch with you?
I’d love to hear from any of my readers or anyone with any writing questions I can help with. If they email me at, I’ll get back to them as soon as possible. They can also reach me on Instagram at @authorrachelhomard, on Twitter at @HomardRachel, or on my Facebook author page at