Author Timothy Yue Interview

How did you become a writer?
I have been a professional tap dancer for years, starting as a dancer for Shining Time Station Live. As a dancer and choreographer for Tap Team Two and Company, I have performed Hoofing in America for Young Audiences. So I have always been involved in education and entertainment. A back injury kept me from dancing, and I started making books for my then three-year-old daughter.
What inspires you to write?
My daughter is my main source of inspiration. But in general, the way children explore the world and their observations inspire me. As primarily an at-home dad for the first few years, it was fascinating to experience the world vicariously through an infant’s eyes. It's an amazing time when meals could bring the experience of trying foods for the very first time. I also found it a great time to read books to her.
How do you develop your plot and characters?
My daughter and I loved to read a stack of books at mealtimes. That was the genesis for my stories about Fork and Spoon. Picture books, by their nature, are very terse and concise. Most of the ones I've written feature one main action or joke. I think the characters revealed themselves organically through their adventures and helped establish their personalities.
Could you share some of your challenges as a writer?
Picture books tend to be simple and short. It’s challenging to find just the right words for the story and create illustrations that tell information that the text leaves unsaid.
What are your current/future projects?
Fork and Spoon are best friends who experience humorous, heartwarming adventures. I'm focusing on their escapades with nursery rhymes. In the future, I could see exploring antics with food and friendship. Then maybe I’ll see what capers they have off the table.
Do you have a routine you follow when writing?
I think it's important to write down ideas whenever and wherever they occur to you. I try to make sure I have a phone, a notebook, or both at all times.
If you could go back in time and give yourself advice, what would it be?
I would probably give myself the advice I give myself now. Work hard. Stay positive. Not everything will be successful, but that's okay. Enjoy the moment.
Do you have any advice for aspiring writers?
My advice to aspiring writers is to read a lot. I started writing picture books, because I was reading tons of them to my daughter. I found both a great wealth of picture books, but also an insatiable need. For me, reading and writing have always gone together like—Fork and Spoon.
What is your preferred method for readers to get in touch with you?
I welcome contact on any platform.