Selena Blake Interview

What inspires you to write?
One thing about me, I turn pretty much everything into a story. So you could say, everything inspires me to write. From stories I hear or read to ideas that pop in my head while I'm driving my doggo to daycare. I'm trying to get better about not boring friends with all the backstory for every interesting thing that happens in my life. But I love entertaining people and making them laugh.
How do you develop your plot and characters?
Some characters come to me fully formed and I just need to tell their story. Other characters are much more closed off and I have to tease the truth out of them. Plot, for me, works in a similar way. Sometimes an idea will be more fleshed out, and other times the characters have more influence over the storyline as it unfolds. I've learned to embrace the unknown, because my process changes often and not fighting that has been freeing.
Could you share some of your challenges as a writer?
Staying healthy, mentally and physically, is something I don't think enough writers talk about or think about. Both are a challenge for me because of the solitary nature of the job. Long hours, lots of sitting, a constant devaluation of our work by society, it all makes an impact. Another challenge that I feel more now than I did at the beginning of my career is the distractibility of the audience. There are so many demands on readers' time. Them choosing my work and reading to The End is even more precious.
What are your current/future projects?
I'm currently working on book four of the Paranormal Protectors: New Orleans series, Capturing His Wicked Witch.
Do you have a routine you follow when writing?
Lately I've been lighting a candle when I write. I've mostly moved to flameless candles, but there's something about a small taper candle melting down that puts me in the zone and also gives me a very finite timeline to get my words in. As a number six Activator, I also write best when I move first thing. Yoga and walking are my favorite ways to get my brain in gear.
If you could go back in time and give yourself advice, what would it be?
Keep your foot on the gas. Fail faster. Develop a strong support group and listen to their advice.
Do you have any advice for aspiring writers?
Consistency really is key. And that comes from someone who struggled with consistency. I like doing things in batches. But consistency has helped me level up more than anything. Writing often, showing up in people's inbox, having a consistent presence on social media, and publishing routinely will help you. Fast does not equal consistent, for the record.
* What is your preferred method for readers to get in touch with you?
Readers can find me online at or write to me at