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Publishers Weekly Rights Reports

Metamorphosis Literary Agency greatly values and cherishes the insightful reports from Publishers Weekly.

We are filled with deep pride for our exceptional authors who continuously inspire us with their talent. It is heartwarming to witness their journey as they find the perfect publisher and take the next step in their writing careers. These are just a few examples of the wonderful matches made between our authors and publishing houses. Regardless of where you are on your own personal writing path, whether you are just beginning or have reached bestselling status, it is crucial to celebrate every accomplishment and embrace the joys of being an author. While this industry can be fiercely competitive, with agent rejections, editor rejections, trade review rejections, and more, there are also countless moments of triumph and happiness - from readers expressing their love for a book, to authors lifting each other up, to editors nurturing manuscripts to perfection, to publicists securing successful promotions.

It is a truly awe-inspiring experience to witness authors tirelessly working to meet editorial deadlines, masterfully promoting their books, and maintaining a professional and courteous attitude throughout the process. Equally impressive is the skill of an editor in guiding a manuscript towards its full potential. The results are nothing short of phenomenal - glowing reviews, prestigious awards, and exciting events. Each deal announcement serves as a treasured snapshot, capturing the extraordinary milestones achieved by our talented team at Metamorphosis Literary Agency. Please join us in reminiscing on some of these special memories.


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